Auxiliaries For Chrome Tanning

Product Name Chemical Nature Short Description
Sepimas FS Salts of dicarboxilic acids It is used as masking and basification agent. This product promotes the uptake and fixation of chrom, enhances the fullness of chrom-tanned leather and improves its respons to dyeing.
Sepimas DC Liq. Salts of dicarboxilic acids It is used as masking and basification agent. This product promotes the uptake and fixation of chrom, enhances the fullness of chrom-tanned leather and improves its respons to dyeing.
Sepimas APS Mixture of organic and inorganic complexing agents. It is used as masking and basification agent. This product promotes the uptake and fixation of chrom, enhances the fullness of chrom-tanned leather and improves its respons to dyeing.
Sepimas DN Mixture of dicarboxylic acids with a complexing action Sepimas DN is employed in chrome tannages as a basifying and masking agent. It is used in chrome retannages to enhance the fullness of the leather and the tightness of the grain.
Sepinal P3 Mixture of organic and inorganic complexing agents. Sepinal P3 is a complex-forming neutralizing agent and a mild basifying agent.
Sepinal P4 Mixture of organic and inorganic complexing agents. Sepinal P4 is a complex-forming neutralizing and a mild basifying agent. It does not cause chrome to precipitate and it has a uniform neutralizing action.
Sepinal P5 Mixture of organic and inorganic complexing agents. Sepinal P5 is a complex-forming neutralizing agent and a mild basifying agent, which gives full leathers, with a tight grain and good respons to dyeing. Can be used to inhibit the formation of Cr( VI )
Sepinal P7 Mixture of inorganic salts Rapidly penetrating mild neutralizing agent, no overneutralization, even if large amounts are used.
Sepi Base MO Special magnesium oxide Basifiying agent with slow solubility. This product prevents large variation in pH, ensures very even chrom distribution and gives a fine, smooth tight grain.